DopestOlivia_Rose :Jus sayin people only act like they care because you have a beautiful face.. But if it were some ugly girl who posted their problems.. No one would care....619w
DopestOlivia_Rose :No.. Never you! Your like a brother to me ... Not a ratchet bitch!619w
Drew Percario :Haha you sayin as if I were a ratchet bitch lmaooo619w
DopestOlivia_Rose :Lol.. Im not being rude but these comments just keep dragging on... Lmao people are so concerned.. But if ut was some rachet bitch no one would care! Js!619w
nora :Drew PercarioIt sort of gets better with time. You adjust and they also adjust to be more open, yet give you more space. It's a huge transition but if I could do it, you for sure can619w