Mimi Smallshaw :She horrible to u boys coz she s into big greasy girls with shaved heads that's why she's mean she's sexually frustrated its obvious !!631w
Mimi Smallshaw :Iv just commented on her pic ! Her drag acts r amazing tho he/she dose well !!631w
Mimi Smallshaw :She's ugly that's y she's hiding her face ! I bet she looks just like her mothers ass hairy!!631w
- :Lol just block her and you don't have to hear her ignorance631w
lolerlololololplololl :-Look fucker!!! It Dosent matter if I put a picture up or not!! Wot r u trying to prove!! COMING ON HERE AND CALLIN ME A FUCKING FAGGOT!!! DOES IT GIVE U PLEASURE TO BE A DUMB AS BITCH631w
lolerlololololplololl :-WOOW quick comeback u clevah gurl!! U must be real pleased wit urself.... At least I'm not a motha fucking foggot!!!631w
lolerlololololplololl :-Look u shaved giraffe ! I don't need to talk to prove a point!! We all know wot a FUVKIN prik u r631w
- :Hahahahahahaha at least I'm not a faggot or whatever else you are... Grow up your face looks like a baboon ass you can't pronounce your words correctly and I know for a fact how I look an what I do I'm in the military at work right now joking around and you go off cause you feel it betters your life haha631w
lolerlololololplololl :-To fuckin right!! I can't stop grinning!! She's had an effect !!631w
- :lolerlololololplolollI learned a new word !! , “sissy prick” her name says it all happy 101... Cause she is showing us happiness 101 !! 631w