Cherry bomb :Lol sweety I blame ur mom bc she didn't teach u to respect ppl so bye hunn625w
lovelyladyy :Haha it kinda funny cause were I am it's like 8 pm!! Haha and whatever ur not perfect either lol what would ppl think the a 21 year old is picking on a 13 yr old !! That's cute 625w
Cherry bomb :Lol just because I write my words however I want to doesnt mean tht I dnt know how to spell my words properly y dnt u just go to be hunn it's kinda late and judging by ur pictures staying up isnt doin u any good on the bags. Of ur eyes lmaoo what a shame so young too goodnite sweety lmaooooo swerve mamas625w
lovelyladyy :Wow you sure sound older hey Hun want to check your spelling .... So that I can understand you.... Haha I don't need anyone to fight my battles625w
Cherry bomb :lovelyladyyWho's fighting her battles I jus commented what I wantd and girl I'm older then u so y wud I waste my time trying to argue with u to begin with ur jus mad bc she ha more class then u nd ur ma bc noone took ur side lol626w
lovelyladyy :I remember when I had other ppl to fight my battles :3626w
Cherry bomb :@madison I'm 21 and I think it's cute tht u dnt wanna say bad words tht meens u have class and jus b u listen to a certain song doesn't meen u have to say those words so good job ^_^626w