charlottewhite :Shhh ortiz621w
You know I see what you do you make yourself seem like a real nice guy you like to be positive and hate on haters and make yourself look like your gold well let me tell you something you old fucken loser your shit doesn't work on lady's your ages so you try it on younger girls like sylvie you are in fact a weirdo/paderass like finds away to look good for young chicks your no better then the guy who made the very first comment about her body so you old loser go get a girlfriend go get a life and get off your phone oh and Luke my girlfriend you know the one I beat? yea I don't have one jackass621w
Anonymous OrtizOK,,,so you couldn't say all that ;and make your point(school us) without all that shit about dumb-ass's?????NO YOU COULDN'T !!!!! And that's what makes you the biggest dumb-ass of all.....you see you've already proven your an egotistical prick...your ego is so big,your TOO PROUD....you can't just point out someone else's mistake and correct them,,, you have to force it on them with attitude..you degrade anyone around you,especially girlfriends;;;;I REALLY FEEL SORRY FOR THEM for being with you...your gonna turn out to be one that abuses women if you don't get a grip on it........I'm done talking to you!!!!!!! sorry,sylvie621w
This is true but using the race "Mexican" as a name of a language is ignorant as in "he's not speaking spanish he's speaking Mexican" or "he knows your not speaking Mexican" and that's what you said you dumb ass weirdo621w
Anonymous OrtizMexican vs Spanish
At first glance, differences between Mexican and Spanish are all too glaring; the two are separate countries out of whom Mexico lies in South America while Spain lies in Europe. I ... n US, Latino is the word used to refer to all individuals and groups with Latin American roots. There is a term Hispanic used in the country to refer to people belonging to Latin American countries and speaking Spanish language. Though there are many similarities between Mexican and Spanish people, there are differences also that will be discussed in this article.
Both Spanish and Mexican people speak Spanish language, which is what makes the situation confusing for the people in US. However, there are differences in Spanish as it is spoken in Spain, and the way it is spoken in Mexico. Spanish people are of European descent, and you would find European whites in Spain, whereas if one looks at Mexican people, they appear to belong to different ethnic groups such as Aztec and Mayan, though there are also European and people of Spanish descent in Mexico. In general, there are more dark skinned people than whites in Mexico. It is clear then that Mexicans are both Latinos and Hispanic as they belong to a South American country and speak Spanish. However, they are not Spanish, and only people from Spain qualify to be labelled as Spanish.
It is true that Mexicans share Spanish language with natives of Spain, but there are far too many regional variations that make linguists say that Mexican Spanish qualifies to be a separate language. One finds a lot of Spanish influence on culture in Mexico such as bull fights, foods like Spanish rice, and yes, Catholic Religion. Yet it is easy to see the differences between Mexican and Spanish people. Mexico is an erstwhile Spanish colony, which is why there are so many things in common between Spanish and Mexican people.ORTIZ,, your the dumb ass;;always finding the negative in everything .... You knew what I was talking about..... See More
621wAt first glance, differences between Mexican and Spanish are all too glaring; the two are separate countries out of whom Mexico lies in South America while Spain lies in Europe. I ... n US, Latino is the word used to refer to all individuals and groups with Latin American roots. There is a term Hispanic used in the country to refer to people belonging to Latin American countries and speaking Spanish language. Though there are many similarities between Mexican and Spanish people, there are differences also that will be discussed in this article.
Both Spanish and Mexican people speak Spanish language, which is what makes the situation confusing for the people in US. However, there are differences in Spanish as it is spoken in Spain, and the way it is spoken in Mexico. Spanish people are of European descent, and you would find European whites in Spain, whereas if one looks at Mexican people, they appear to belong to different ethnic groups such as Aztec and Mayan, though there are also European and people of Spanish descent in Mexico. In general, there are more dark skinned people than whites in Mexico. It is clear then that Mexicans are both Latinos and Hispanic as they belong to a South American country and speak Spanish. However, they are not Spanish, and only people from Spain qualify to be labelled as Spanish.
It is true that Mexicans share Spanish language with natives of Spain, but there are far too many regional variations that make linguists say that Mexican Spanish qualifies to be a separate language. One finds a lot of Spanish influence on culture in Mexico such as bull fights, foods like Spanish rice, and yes, Catholic Religion. Yet it is easy to see the differences between Mexican and Spanish people. Mexico is an erstwhile Spanish colony, which is why there are so many things in common between Spanish and Mexican people.ORTIZ,, your the dumb ass;;always finding the negative in everything .... You knew what I was talking about..... See More