Joe CimoCpt
(Hi No. 473830)
Ok so here is the deal. About a year ago I read "The Secret" it's about the law of attraction. One of the tips in the book is to make a vision board of all the things you want in life. The theory is if you constantly remain positive about getting these things,the universe will provide them for you. Maybe not directly but it will place you in situations where you can obtain them if you choose too. Remaining positive also allows for you to get through the time period when you may start to feel impatient or lose faith. I made this because I have been going through that impatient time period and lost track. I am posting this because maybe it can help you get through yours. Make a vision board. What do you want in life? Don't worry, IT'S COMING!!! #lawofattraction #thesecret #visionboard #positivity #positivefitness