Kayla Wright
(Hi No. 144860)
To the guys: for all of those wondering, I think we all need a reality check. It is extremely DISGUSTING and disrespectful to send a girl your penis without their consent. First of all, it's just disgusting like they aren't pretty. Second of all, we all need to learn what self respect is. If you feel like you HAVE to send a girl that to get their attention, you are sadly mistaken. #itsthetruth #what #ew #no #thanks #me #selfie #k #bye
mk :
Oh ya don't get me wrong I love sex and everything about it, but there's definitely a time and a place618w
Bossmack32Ya same goes for girls. Like its not acceptable. Maybe if you get to know them better and ya know.. You both want to. But when you send it just to send it, it's disgusting and rude and I take it disrespectfully because I ain't "easy" and just cuz I see your fucking dick doesn't mean I get all horny. Ugh. Society has a long way to go618w