zigzagzebra11 :You have an awesome physique! Remain focused, plenty of healthy foods, water water water & early nights with a good 8 hours!! Routine wise - sprints help myself a lot. Plus great cleanser for the mind! Many blessings, Steff xo625w
gym.guy.uk :Well to be honest you look great hang in there , train hard, expect results x626w
night_raider98 :Sam DraperLol I don't work out anymore but ima start again soon tho cuz I been talkin to ppl lately and they always bring up workin out, so I think it's just a sign tellin me I need to do it again haha! But ok I'll look for it today promise ;). And I'm really man of my word, so don't worry . My BDAY 2mrw too!!626w
Sam Draper :What is it of?!? What kind of workouts do you do?626w
night_raider98 :Sam DraperUr thighs look strong in the pic. Ur hips haha u mean that "V line" thing idk what it's called but I know it's the v line . Uh I can send u a video that I use to do when I was working out, I'll try to find it by the end of the day for u if u want?626w
Sam Draper :Thank you! And my thighs, hips, butt, and lower abs are my weakest areas. 626w
night_raider98 :I can tell u gotta booty on u. But for the most part, u look really good, so don't give up on urself. It's all about mind over body. Don't let ur lazy body take control over ur mind! Ur in great shape so don't trip too much627w