Luvin Mylife Lockett
(Hi No. 181030)
I like to think that my emotions r like the 4 seasons. When I'm Angry I'm summer very hot. Wen I'm sad i feel like the leaves falling off the trees in fall. Wen I feel depressed and lonely I'm winter very cold and just want to melt away. When im happy I'm spring I blossom like the flowers. My emotions and the Seasons r very unique and alike but there's 1 difference unlike the seasons tht change every couple months. My emotions change daily but I still manage to keep a smile on my face even wen im down that's just who I am. i never wanna bring people down with my emotions cuz I think it's selfish. So I write abt them in poems or just ramble on like this. This is me just a girl living her life tryin to escape the darkness that's trying to bury me away 6 feet under. People ask me why do I write things like this? Well there's your answer. I'm tryin to keep my composer and not let everyone c me cry. This is my life just an ordinary girl tryin to escape this hateful world.