DingDangDo :All by your seeeelllffff you don't wanna be all by your seeeelllllfffff lalala...... But you are all by your lonely old self626w
DingDangDo :You should play akons song I'm so lonely...... Looonely your so looonley no body loves you lalala626w
DingDangDo :Are you slitting your wrists right now to this gay music I hope you are cuz your no good to anyway even your family don't want you626w
DingDangDo :I bet your playing that whilst your all alooooone!!!! With no one but you and your right hand cuz that's all you got sad old man626w
DingDangDo :Shit comeback maybe I've hit a nerve but you needed to be told626w
DingDangDo :ScottyAnd this is a picture of your mum on her wedding day the fat whore626w
DingDangDo :ScottyFucking hell you must spend your whole life on here you need a women in your life you didgeridoo VB beer drinking Jason Donavon loving Australian fuck wit!.... Go wank over some gay cricket or your shit rugby team no one likes you cuz your 45 years old talking shit to younger people everyone thinks your pathetic and it's football you dick an the only reason you don't like it is cuz your country's shit at it you had to make a gay version called Aussie rules... What a great sport that is... People in your country wear hats with corks hanging from it and wear flip flops on a night out.... Steve Irwins a dead cunt aswel626w