Mathew Milleson :This guy is 100% homosexual. Google him people. He was sexually abused by his father and uncle. His mom left him to his grandmother because she was raped (poor thing) may god be with them, that's why he is seeking for help 622w
JJ 90 :I am not fags fuck offbullshit is whats coming out of youre mouth go fuck youre self loser u think youre so fucking hot now thats wrong youre ugly as hell with this addetude youre inside is fuck up and youre christiaan priesters the fucked little kids so shut up about gay or not and respect people for who they are and if they gif you respect respect them thats life and if u dont do that than youre a big time loser ciao626w
JJ 90 :I am not fags fuck offChristian or not in the Bible shows people in their values and you can not debunk other on their origin or religion for who they are so go read better boy626w