(Hi No. 262701)
She hides behind Mihawk as be holds her. Tears fill her eyes as she complains to him. "Zoro was being mean to me again! He called me a brat and tore up my Kumashi doll!!! All I was doing was showing him how to get home. I'm always nice to him. How come he has to be so mean?! Waaaahhhhh papa Mihawk!!" She buries her head in his shirt fake crying. Mihawk looks over his shoulder at Zoro giving him a mean look, half mad Zoro bothered Perona and half mad that he has to deal with this at all. Perona looked up at Zoro and winked and stuck her tongue out. @hawk_eyes_mihawk @official_roronoazoro #onepiece #op #perona #ghost #princess #ghostprincess #zoro #sanji #nami #robin #luffy #usopp #franky #brook #chopper #anime #manga #mihawk #hawkeye