Juicy :I'm not hating, but y would she post pics like that did she think she would get a lot of likes, 2 grown ppl and they live like pigs628w
Juicy :Lol no kidding, I showed my friends this pic and they all think its a lie they could not believe that someone can b a pig like this628w
Juicy :-Her house must have roaches and rats mold and for her hubby to allow this he's a dirty pig like her628w
Juicy :I work a full time job and volunteer, and I'm a full time mom and my house is always clean, get help and a diet628w
Juicy :Fuck u stupid dirty bitch go clean ur house ur disgusting n if u can't take the comments then don't post ur dirty pics on here628w
Lyndsy May Madill :Fuck off if you got nothing nice to say get the fuck off628w
Juicy :-I agree with you omg I've never seen anything so disgusting and she's so proud cuz she posted pics, if she doesn't care about her house then she must not shower either eww628w
Juicy :Omg ur house is nasty, y the fuck would u even post up pictures628w