DingDangDo :Is this making you fill popular me commenting back to you does it stop you from being loanly I hope it does cuz I fill sorry for you sad boring life. You have way to much time on your hands for an old man626w
DingDangDo :You have to make up fake accounts aswel to make yourself fill wanted..... SAD FUCKING LOANLY UGLY OLD MAN!!!!626w
DingDangDo :Christmas and birthdays must be the most lonely times of year for you you quite clearly fill like having comments on your posts makes you think your popular you just get sader and sader I still can't get over the fact you 45 years and using digi social so it makes you fill like you got friends... Hahaha you poor excuse for a man626w
DingDangDo :You shouldn't be aloud anywhere near your granddaughter you got kids aswel that makes you even more pathetic626w
DingDangDo :Your mum and dad must be ashamed of themselves 45 years old fuck your a sado626w
DingDangDo :No one comments cuz there's no hash tags and no sad fucks wanna stalk my page plus your only comments are how much of a dickhead you are no one likes you cuz your sad ugly old man with a lonely life you wish you was someone else your pathetic626w
DingDangDo :Lonely old man.... With no life and no women. Ugly fucking old piece of shit626w