Jorge Jacy Duarte Teixeira :Hi Pretty gril nice meet too! Please see thru you photo with are intershing and others too! But I live in Iranduba City, Amazonas State, Brazil that little-city are from Manaus City and we can arriver here crossing a thru Rio Negro Gate(3.900mts extention),work eith Enginer-Mariner but I am Real State Land Saler and you what are you do there onky work orcstudy? Tell me please a City-Name of where you live there and ask now are posdible send me your phone-number, bye!( look my phone-numbers here are (5592)82431658/93065704...630w
Jorge Jacy Duarte Teixeira :Hi I lve in Iranduba City from Manaus City( crossing a Rio Negro Gate, 3.900mts),how areyou? Please wher you live today?630w