Mike Stettler :I'm money motivated like your president.632w
Mike Stettler :I had to walk to get ice everyday for 13 years when I was little to keep out milk cold. We had a ice chest not a refrigerator! I grew up poor and still take care of my momma! I'm 23 years old and pay 20,000 a year in taxes!! 3 kids married and all. I didn't go to college, I didn't finish the 9th grade. I was in jail. I had to steal to eat lil girl. Don't callee selfish!632w
Mike Stettler :Less fortunate?? I would help someone's grandmother. But not their grandson who smokes weed and can't work because a broke foot!! You got fingers you got a mouth!! Even mentally handicap work as door attendants at Walmart! But the lazy collect welfare for what reason? Lol bitch please632w
Jay Samone :Jay SamoneYea there are a few typos but you get what I'm trying to say!632w
Jay Samone :Please I am a mother or 2, college graduate (BA), full time worker, and gladly give my percentage of back to the less fortunate through EVERY paycheck...I have a heart and I know what it means to help others. Your a selfish individuals that wants to see only a small percentage of people raise and everybody else fail!!! Smh you type of people make me so upset.632w
Mike Stettler :You must be that 50% that doesn't work and doesn't know what taxes are. I made more money before I got a pay raise than I do now.632w