Luke Novax :Alllll fukn dayyyyy !!!! I can't cop da site of it ) danas puppet (fuk of ) "DA DIVISIONS R LAKIN!!( injuries) every year a fight ) use to be 8 men a night winner takes da lottt) THE PEOPLE CHAMP( no belt???) an da shit da dog says "especially with silva"SNDESON "I will break your face!!!"( BUT HE DIDN'T ) how even "shave in a mirror!!" Let alone cum out YAPPIN!!" ( he's willin to get in da wring no notice) ME TO (gimme a tittle shot!!( ANY FUKER ON DA PLANET!!????? Cos I'm willin to get in there!!!!( YA EARN IT!!) this is WROONG630w
Luke Novax :I hate "danas puppet!!" Da greatest trash talker in modern sport( da spida) 2 years)"FELL ON ITS ASS) revese elbow)2.9 sec (Lft right centre) to pivot Anderson in to ground) he invitees him 4 a BBQ (he'd be shot on da Tarmac )NOTHINNNNNNN BEATS JONES)Belfort lifted an snapped da armin half)another 3 an he eldowed head an see wat da bone dun there!!!(he's an animal(he's now "da people's champ !"( no title )DANA loves cos hell get in no notice..(Ill get in there for world title$$$) I'm there 4 fun630w