MenAreThinking :PS: This is the most I have ever communicated with someone who could be on Jerry Springer.629w
MenAreThinking :Yeah... I'm the ass. Okay Swamp Girl. This all started from you replying to me, not the other way around. I'm sorry if you don't like me replying to your stupid comments. You are right though, responding to stupid people doesn't make much sense.629w
"The Truth" #34 :You already makin an ass out of yourself get over it you are still talkin about me??? weirdo629w
MenAreThinking :PS: When I was 16 I was homeless. When I was 20 I was making over $250,000 a year (online marketing). At 25, I started a real estate company and made over $3 Million that year... And I've been doing alright since then. If the swamp people make more than that, good for them. You couldn't pay me enough to make an ass out of myself. I have too much respect for myself. Money doesn't motivate me anymore.629w
MenAreThinking :@WhiteTrashGirl: It's half sad and half funny that you think people on some low budget reality show make any money... I'd be willing to bet I make more than they do. Not that it matters, my comments had nothing to do with income. White trash is about how you act, not how much money you make.629w
MenAreThinking :@Trizzy: I didn't know what Swamp People is... I still don't, lol. But from the comments I'm guessing it is a TV show. (I thought it was her family reunion)629w