Pomru :I think there should be an attribution system for images. Danbooru, I understand, used to be pretty bad about reposting Pixiv images without attributing the artists, but that has changed within the recent few years. I agree with you about being cool to have your work spread around. There are a few, um, luddites who insist on a "no-link" policy, but the internet is expanding in a way where it takes just one person to re-post your work without attribution, and the next person to re-post may not even be aware that they're not supposed to share. So in that sense, I think it's better to have an electronic paper trail than none.642w
Seravi :On the other hand, I think its cool to have your work spread around...just not sure.642w
Seravi :Hahaha, you know I saw this. Can I ask you a question? I've been trying to avoid reposting doujin works...I can't figure it out...do you think artists would mind if there was some kind of attribution system for images? Like a linkback to source or soemthing?642w