Alphonse Elric
(Hi No. 225400)
(( xD Suggestions, what to do, what not to do, collaborations?)(
Jamie Wheeler :
(( Okay~! Well if you ever need a girl actor, I can go pretty high, or pretty low..Im here for you! Or if you want to do a scene between Al and Winry. ~(•~.~•~) I'm here))623w
Gumi Megpoid((THAT'S BECAUSE I AM AARON DISMUKE FROM THE PAST. xD Nah. It's naturally in my "easy" range. Haha, really? That's awesome, like yeah. We should, that'd be totally epic. ^_^ ))623w
(( Thank You! So much! Btw, I was going through your picture~because I'm a stalker~ and I was just listening, and Gosh darnit, you sound EXACTLY like Alphonse, like everyone is talking about it! and I kinda feel proud to like...know you xD haha. Okay that was my creeper message of the day. Oh but, maybe we could collab sometime? If you want? ))623w
Gumi Megpoid((Nah, don't worry. I mainly use Audicity (for PC) and WavePad (for iPad). I'll end up using one or the other, depending.))623w
(( Quick quick question! I hope this doesn't sound too nosy, but what software are you using for collaborations? I would LOVE to know, I'm constantly doing them, and the quality just sounds so half done, you know what I mean? So I would love the advice! Arigatou Al-Chan! )623w