Gumi Megpoid :(( Okay~! Well if you ever need a girl actor, I can go pretty high, or pretty low..Im here for you! Or if you want to do a scene between Al and Winry. ~(•~.~•~) I'm here))631w
Alphonse Elric :Gumi Megpoid((THAT'S BECAUSE I AM AARON DISMUKE FROM THE PAST. xD Nah. It's naturally in my "easy" range. Haha, really? That's awesome, like yeah. We should, that'd be totally epic. ^_^ ))631w
Gumi Megpoid :(( Thank You! So much! Btw, I was going through your picture~because I'm a stalker~ and I was just listening, and Gosh darnit, you sound EXACTLY like Alphonse, like everyone is talking about it! and I kinda feel proud to like...know you xD haha. Okay that was my creeper message of the day. Oh but, maybe we could collab sometime? If you want? ))631w
Alphonse Elric :Gumi Megpoid((Nah, don't worry. I mainly use Audicity (for PC) and WavePad (for iPad). I'll end up using one or the other, depending.))631w
Gumi Megpoid :(( Quick quick question! I hope this doesn't sound too nosy, but what software are you using for collaborations? I would LOVE to know, I'm constantly doing them, and the quality just sounds so half done, you know what I mean? So I would love the advice! Arigatou Al-Chan! )631w
Len Kagamine :"The only thing I have a problem with is that you like to rush your script. I know you're excited bit try to slow down when you're reading so you're not left with time and no more words! Maybe one day we can collaborate buy I don't think we can do anything from FMA~"631w