Toni :Burtango Del MangoThank you! He looks so different on every angle. If you look at him from the side he looks like a French bulldog and when he is lying down. From other angles he looks like a bulldog. I'll post some other pics up 628w
Toni :Burtango Del MangoI wasn't disputing that the breeds background was British/English. I was purely stating that there are such dogs as Australian Bulldogs. Also, they are far less chunky which is good for our climate. It gets very hot here and poor British bulldogs don't do very well in the heat. Regardless, I love my pup just the way he is!628w
Toni :Burtango Del MangoAlso, mine is an Australian bulldog crossed with a French bulldog. His ears are supposed to be up like bat ears but he is teething so they are down for the moment.628w