Domonic James
(Hi No. 567540)
Another original song from Kauai nei - songwriter Uncle Steve Farrell pens a song from the south side Kauai about local island life, my libated self on uke and vocals with Justin (gosplefunkadelic), #just quickly briefed on the chord changes, bring this little Ja'waiian beaut to you all! - enjoy and pass it along!
#reggae #songersongwriter #ukulele #Singing #Me #Love #Beautiful #Ukulele, #originalmusic, #songersongwriter, #sashimisunday, #recordingwithyourbigtoeclub #Kauai #Hawaii #gosplefunkadelic
Domonic James : BenOrMan thanks!!!! 621w
-Oh you..... Thanks Amba! I'm a huge fan of yours as well seeeeztah! The song you recently did "Crazy", wow! Ya that was a tremendous addition to the recordwithyourbigtoeclub . I appreciate your talent... Keep them coming as will I622w
Domonic JamesTrust me I listened this more than 3 times. Really good! u have to make more amazing music with ukulele!622w