MOUSE :Reshad SharifiDawg, no offense but how can you possibly like her? You know nothing about her it's more or less a physical attraction than anything and 9 times out of 10 she prolly dont like you back...sure if y'all got to know one another a little bit there may be an connection y'all both share but until that day comes stop bein a lvl 7 creeper and just tell her "Hi!" Or "How are you?" Like the rest of us seemingly normal guys(what little to none of us left) (or sane) (-_-') but I digress my point is get to know the girl before you say stuff like that women don't like it when you play with their heart strings like that bubba. Do you catch what I'm throwin at you?631w
MOUSE :Veronica StevensYw you take really good photos (^-^ ) I wish I could but the camera hates me (._. )631w