(Hi No. 622565)
Got to beat the master to become a master #MMA #Respect #Honered #Determined #MasterChief

Honestly he prolly could but idk the one thing Anderson has is a reach and hight advantage but besides that I think he could he's been taught Muay Thai by the very first guy to bring Muay Thai to the U.S and he's been taught grappling by a Gracie relative along with having nearly 17 other martial arts he's known for his speed power and versatility with changing stuff up he's kinda like jon jones but faster stronger more cage experience and more
versatile but with saying all of that anything can happen at anytime but from what I seen from Jermain and Anderson I think Jermain would win I mean he is a MMA hall of famer for a reason you know but I think it would be a good fight with out a doubt becuase Anderson Silvia is a bad ass after all lol
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