Maria_orozc0 :James David McgathUm bitch I'm a girl i told you to shut up your shit ass comments are so annoying i keep getting notifications from ur stupid ass comments go do us all a favor go kill your self631w
Desiree Woodland :Talking bout a hillbilly listen to ur self redneck!! U must not know what that means because u either can't speak. English and speak hillbilly or because ur just plain old stupid!!:/ I think it's both and you should stop having pig from ur farm and have some vegetables d o u k n ow w h a t t h o s e are ?? Slowy 631w
Desiree Woodland :And that was for James David mcath and Jon kornacki and don't let someone make fun of ur name god wanted ur name to be that he blessed u with that name for a reason I will c because I've seen names worse then urs?' Ok ?631w
Desiree Woodland :Man they r grown men fighting over stupid stuff and I don't know y u guys r fighting for and calling each other rednecks and niggas because neither one of U r niggas I know sometime u dnt like each other but how would u like me to call both of u guys dirty rednecks just stop kids r better than u guys!!631w