Joseph Woodley
(Hi No. 326898)
It takes the steady plowing of the field everyday to yield the bountiful harvest. There are no shortcuts. Laziness and sleeping in are ingredients for a ruined crop and complete failure. Discipline is foundational to success in every area of life. In business, parenting, work, fitness, education and so on it has become a dirty word but it takes discipline to have a plan. It takes discipline to follow through on implementing the plan. It's necessary to go beyond doing just the bare minimum and living a mediocre life. Discipline is required to press through the difficult times and finally achieve success. And then it takes that same discipline to prevent the loss of that success. Instant fame leads to instant disaster. Without discipline your life will be anything but simple. Love the process and commit to it and nothing will be impossible. #dreambig #discipline #commitment #faith #followthrough #purposedrivenlife #hope #success #fitness #freedom
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