TONGAN RUDE BOY :Yeah WTF IS GOING ON?!!!she deleted me as friend! Oh well as you said in your post I guess.573w
Jess.β’ :Loveable πHopefully, nobody's going to be getting any more trouble from her now. It's not needed... It's so immature all of this but she did being it upon herself.x573w
Loveable π :Sadie MartinIv reported every comment shes made on everyone's profile so probably lol x573w
Sadie Martin :Btw is her profile been blocked now? Cause I havnt seen any rants from her lol573w
Loveable π :Sadie MartinAnd telling people to die and that there pedophiles when she knows nothing about them is disgusting in my eyes573w
Loveable π :Sadie MartinOn who's side ours or jackies cos you wanna get your facts straight and see how many people's profiles shes made rude comments on before you judge we all have the right to stand up for ourselves ya know she shouldn't run her mouth off573w
Sadie Martin :This is extreme online bullying at it's finest574w
Loveable π :Jess.β’I've reported all her comments on ur profile and every nasty comment on everyone's iv seen see what gets done x574w
Jess.β’ :Loveable πLol did she?.. I think she's in love with me. She's back onto commenting on my photos.. She's obsessed with me I think. Can't leave me alone :/ kinda embarracing really. Then again she is a crazzy bitch lol! X574w
Loveable π :Dramaπ xoxoDid u get to listen to her vile comments and voice recordings? I'm sorry she pushed me to far I had to give it to her she was pissing me and iv had a shit day lol I feel fucking loads better now tho lol x574w