- :She has a beautiful smile and gorgeous blue eyes!629w
- :I find it interesting and humorous when the girls that "some guys" don't find attractive, when these girls put on make up and a dress or do themselves up a lil......they look H.O.T, so maybe, be nice to the girl, see the beauty in her ,and when she does "doll herself up" you'll be pleasantly surprised how sexy she is! Hope that made sense....629w
- :I'm FAR from the best lookin guy on here, but I'm a nice guy, I know how to be a sweetheart and make compliments where they're deserved.......this way, "not so good looking" guys like myself can get lucky with cuties like the cutie in the pic.......629w
- :I'm sum what supportive because I think she's cute, she's making a silly "fun" face, woman who can let loose and be fun is very sexy. I find the beauty in everyone, and both these Ladies are very attractive! Nice guys, complimentive guys get laid, you should try it if u like woman 629w