DebbieO :1925 the songIt's the photo & the filter I used lol cos it's not all that yellow it's more of a champagne gold colour. Cool phone tho I love it lol574w
DebbieO :MasayaI thought it was gona be the same & wasn't going to bother with the S but I had no choice & had to get this & it is actually better than the 5! Yes quicker!! I can see the difference & I love the fingerprint unlock thingy lol it's cool & ya better that a 5 574w
DebbieO :...Oh damn! U really do need one!!! U gota get round someone to get u this or get it on a contract & u don't have to fork out bloody £589 like I had to lol574w
... :I want one!! Lol.. My 29th is coming up maybe ill still get one lol.. iPhone3GS is what I have it's starting to fuck up bad lol574w