(Hi No. 1354366)
Part 2. All you perverted fuckheads on this site demean and scare woman. I am sick of it and everytime i stand up to you faggots i get reported and you get to keep harrassing these girls. If you are my fan and one of these creeps, i will block you!!! You want to report me again?? Go ahead!! Haha cuz i juat dont give a fuck anymore. This is pathetic just like your little penises.... That is all... #MomentOfTheDay#Me#Done#RESPECT#WOMAN
... :That's because Rick.. You're a dumbass and DS doesn't like your furry faggot ass! Yeah there's a lot of you I'm deleting off my list have a nice life with Rick the faggot fuck tard! You all disappoint me and talking to this pervert! for shame on you all569w
RickyCWhat ??? Bloody idiots. They have been given mobile networks and now they think they rule world ...... Pervs575w
Megan McCannHaha I said that a few weeks ago....... Bunch of loons on here now it's doing my head in575w
RickyCYou know there probably not doing anything cause there a bunch of Arab people running the Digisocial Team575w
And it's got really bad cause all these guys where aways trying send me pics of there cocks and trying to forces me to send pics back to them576w
Big DI'm sick of these guys doing this and no one does anything about it. I see and hear it everyday I've complained but they do nothing576w