Rick Hatfield :Me either I take two buses to get to work everyday577w
al G :Lol the snow won't keep me down I took the train to jersey lol Rick Hatfield577w
Rick Hatfield :We're getting a lot of snow in Cincinnati it sucks577w
al G :I end up having to do it Efrain Ramos cause everyone sucks lol577w
Efrain Ramos :Omg what a beautiful sight wow!!! Lol I know maybe not gudd 4 u butt I haven't seen so much snow since I left Fitchburg, Massachusetts almost 5 yrs ago so do you shovel snow or does someone else does it for you??577w
al G :#snow #snowday #nowork #noschool #happy #sleepingin #wishicouldgotothegym ββββββββββββ577w