(Hi No. 617764)
I thought these freaking credit card companys couldnt harrass you anymore! #FML #KissMyAss #SuckIt #BrokeLikeAJoke #Debt #DebtCollectors
lori :Did u see the pic on AREF 's site?creepers!578w
J.J.Anna has a post with about 50 comments that aren't to her! Hopefully there are just being rude and not sinister! lol Maybe they will get bored & go away!578w
-I just took a look now that you said something... and yeah I've noticed ALOT of profiles lately that don't haven't posted anything. Of that maybe only have 1 post. I dunno.578w
loriThanks Lori happy New Year to you too. I'm so happy to be rid of 2013. Here's to a good year in 2014.578w