KO Ochoa
(Hi No. 260494)
IR sign up make sure u go ALL THE WAY DOWN WHERE IT SAYS YOU WHERE REFERRED BY KENNY...THEN ENTER YOUR EMAIL AND GO FROM THERE make sure u enter the correct info or you will not get paid!! And they would put your aciunt on hold!! http://www.starter.instantrewards.net/index.php?ref=293943 ^ click on that ^ & do the $1 (CREDIT REPORT)-- Trial = 1st one you see - it's quick / easy / FAST / so $1 no more no less make sure it's that one is the one that pays the most & when your done Inbox me And I teach you how u can make this happen DO NOT SIGN UP BY UR SELF BECUZ THEN I WONT TRAIN YOU TO DO THE SAME WE WORK AS A TEAM!! if you don't make money's I don't make money so becuz after that u will make enoff to join my team and training for the bigger investment where u make $80 each person with only $40 but let's get u in $1 only 1st