Lálá Mangan
(Hi No. 225384)
OMG man what an evening. Wait till I tell u. See my neighbour texted me as there as two cats killed on the road in two days. So we checked this field beside my house just in case there was kittens and low and be hold we found four beautiful kittens. 2 black and 2 black and white. They were identical two sets of twins. So turns out it was there mother killed on the road. So as my neighbour has no children she said we could bring them back to her house. And we bottle fed them as there mother had been dead for a while I could tell they were the most beautiful kittens I have ever seen they were some what wild but with a bit of love and effection they would be beautiful. That's why u am so late writing back I have them a second feed to help. But here going to a shelter tommorow as neither of us can take them. As we both have cats. There beautiful !!