Leni Wilson
(Hi No. 1279736)
#Legal ProtectionMost Americans don’t have wills. If you’re among this majority, it may not concern you that the state could wind up distributing your possessions and financial assets. But what about life and death decisions? If you don’t want a stranger making those choices for you, Primerica encourages you to obtain these three legal documents.1. Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. Also known as an advance directive or health care proxy, this lets you identify who will make medical decisions for you if you cannot.
2. Durable Power of Attorney for Finances. This designates who will handle money decisions for you.
3. Living Will. This tells doctors (and your family) exactly what type of care you do or do not want to receive if you are terminally ill and incapacitated. (Some states combine #1 and #3 into one form).
Don’t leave such important matters to someone you don’t know. Attorneys will charge you $300-$500 to draw up these documents.* For a subscription fee of as little as $25 per month (in most areas) you can have access to top rated attorneys through the Primerica Legal Protection Program. One of the features of this coverage that is free is will preparation. Plus, document (like Power of Attorney) preparation is just $20 each for covered members.** How’s that for peace of mind? Go to www.primericasecure.com codeBGR30Wilson to sign up today. Or call 1877 855-8111 BGR30 Wilson