Gabrielle Allen :STYLESI'm sure they can outsmart their parents, they always do NO MATTER what form of punishment you use. But I still don't agree in doing this to my child. It's embarrassing and humiliating and I'd never do that to my child. Just my opinion.631w
STYLES :Gabrielle AllenSo what if they use their friend phones,ipod ects to make a fake account? Not saying your method would not work but there is many way kids can out smart parents if they don't know what's going on.631w
Gabrielle Allen :STYLESThat's why I'll stand right beside them and make sure they permanently delete it. Kids can't use social networking at school. All the sites are blocked and if they were caught, they'd be in more trouble631w
STYLES :Gabrielle AllenTrust they will find a way to get back on that social network without you knowing especially at school.631w
Gabrielle Allen :I don't think I would make my child say they were actin like a whore...that itself is sad. Even if your child were to act like a whore, it's wrong to say "hey your acting like a whore" that's just fucked up. Terrible parenting! I'd just make them close the account and not allow them to use their phone or computer....that's a more reasonable punishment.633w
Brittany :Yeah... I know she's 14! Seriously when I was 14 guys weren't even in my mind i had sleep overs and played outside and focused on school and my family not guys and having my tits hang out.633w
STYLES :BrittanyIkr smh I don't know why she would think of doing that in the 1st place.633w
Brittany :Hell yes I would!!!! You're 14 go outside and play you don't need to try to act grown! You have so much life ahead of you seriously!633w