My 3 best boys ...rate them out of 10 and the reasons why...dont hold back I wont be offended ...just be honest because they need to know whats right and wrong with them haha
Trinny.Gee :One on the left looks like quiet bloke when you first know him but a pretty cool bloke when you get to know him and people take him the wrong way... The guy in the middle looks like he gets away with alot of mischief but he also looks like a peoples person n the guy on the right looks like hes probably the loudest outta all of yous even though hes the smallest lol628w
zacyzach :Loool smokes green wait till he hears that loooool629w
Funkypammy :One on the right loos blonde and i love a blonde, one in the middle looks like he smokes green and is laid back and the one on the left is a ladies man looking gent x629w
FallonLavis :The one in middle is a cutie the one on my right is an innocent little boy cutie and the one on my left looks like a dirty bad boy ? Lol he needs to be more innocent and nice630w