(Hi No. 273230)
Ugh.I had so many mess ups.
I just cant.
I'm so sorry for my voice.
And when my voice skipped.
And yeah.
Please don't hate me.
If you don't like it don't listen.
#kyary #candy #candycandy #gumi #singing #badsinger #ugh #imhorrible #donthateme #eventhoughyouprobablywill
Inactive :"This sounds so cute~ I love it ^.^"607w
Len KagamineOh! Thank you so much!! And the birds were there because I was on my deck singing. Haha, at least they weren't /too/ noisy. And for the English cover, it was sung by JubyPhonic.607w
"I like the tweeting of the birds! And I think I sound good but that's just me. Also who's English cover is this?"607w
dat_flameAww thank you! I don't think I can sing very good at all. I love your voice tho omg. And thanks bbyyyy #to100607w