summerrleigh :Lol we didn't make fun of her. That's sad she's not here today that's why we needa open our eyes to the open.. Name one way we bullied her? Eh bet ya can't do that. And stop giving me the story of Amanda Todd because I already know. I don't even listen to your long voicemails.629w
Shelby Dawson :Stfu , we weren't the ones doing that to Ricky629w
Kristen Miller :Lexi Louuu<3Trust me, these little girls are not ok with themselves or they wouldn't be doing this in the first place. Anyone who has any respect for themselves or anyone else would never make fun of or light of such a horrible tragedy with a girl who can't come on and defend herself... It's good to have young girls like you around who can see that though and be willing to stand up for what's right because its people like that who have the power to change the world and be successful, not mean spirited heartless immature little girls like the ones on here...629w
Kristen Miller :Shelby DawsonOmg, we get it, it wasn't YOU making fun of her.. If YOUR intention was not to make fun of the situation involving Amanda Todd then you had nothing to do with it and you're not at fault. It's the people who actually ARE making fun of her that everyone has a problem with. A girl as young as her actually killing herself because of bullying just like this is an absolute tragedy and it really sucks that not only can these immature little girls not see that but go ahead and make fun it on top of everything else. It must so nice to be so fucking perfect...629w