Keoni Hampton
(Hi No. 445034)
I love women but i adore this one!!! And never will i let another bitch get in between of what we started. Id rather be dearly departed b4 i disrespect her with another women!! Guys when u got a good 1 don't be afraid to let da world know and if u put all the time and effort into one woman as u put in to get 21 women. U will realize that that 1 women really had all the qualities u were looking for in a mate but u never gave her a fair chance to prove it to u because we be so busy looking for the next thrill instead of creating all the thrills u desire at home!! And women get with it its 2013 bring another women into the relationship occasionally it def. will keep the balance shit its nothing better than u and ya girl busting another girls ass together!! #realshit