mfasis crack beats :okay i like that very nice622w
okay, nice that's what's up! so we could both listen to a Pink Floyd record together and enjoy it...622w
yeah i like rock, but like i told i dj and collect albums so i listen to that real rock, nickelback or radio rock not really. i listen to current music but older groups, the vets inspire me, like Pink Floyd type rock622w
oh okay lol. yeah the picture's pretty clever. it's cool when the artwork kinda matches the music if you know what i mean...622w
Hahaha it's not emo.. It mor like punk but I Dnt like alot there music .. Just love this pic because it reps god & the devil622w
nice, i think this was their first album. was gonna eventually check it out, but if it's depressing and emo sounding i might pass lol. some of it's cool but for the most part i'm like eh lol...622w