Okumura Rin
(Hi No. 216145)
"So, after some time it seems like thigs line up perfectly. Always training and working so hard. It really payed off! Oh man.. Looking back on things i really caused a lot of trouble huh? I was nieve and self centered. I caused a lot of pain to people. Haha, but not anymore. Old man, mom, if you can hear me, please listen! I have plently of friends now who love me and trust me! They all make me feel like im no longer alone! I feel one with everyone and.. Everything.. Demons and humans! Yukio and i.. These precious lives that you struggled for.. Theyre not in vein! I promise to take hold of what you left behind for us and make this world better! I'll never stop running! I'll keep going! I'll ease the demons souls and i'll protect my friends with all the power that i have! Tch- who am i kidding! I'll throw more than i can pitch! I wont let you down! I'll be the damn exorcist you ever layed your eyes on. Okumura rin! Your son." #okumurarin #rinokumura #Rp #rin #okumura #blueexorcist #MomentOfTheDay #Singing #Me #manga #melifiry #melfirydubs #voiceacting #voiceover