Elizabeth Hernandez
(Hi No. 1216591)
Can we get a woot woot for Tanya C. She lost over 100lbs in 10 months with the Beachbody Challenge! If she did it, so can YOU! Have you messaged me to join my April Challenge?! If not shoot me an email to coacheliza1904 @gmail.com or lets connect @ FB.com/ElizasFitness"Words can't express how my life has changed!!! I'm stronger mentally & physically, happier healthier I did a 360 on the history of trending diabetics in my family!!! I'm my sons hero, [and] a role model for many." #San Francisco #California #sf #bayarea #ilostweight #soccermom #Looseweight #Fitmom #nopainnogain #change #Food #canada #usa