Paul Hastings :Kalama PerkinsOh kalama...don't be so quick to judge...Christina may have a boyfriend...but to give a compliment of what you only an honest and good thing to do...not everything is about sex 631w
Christina Landolfi :Doesn't matter they can say what they want I have a boyfriend I'm not exposing my body to them like you are631w
Kalama Perkins :notice how allthe old pervs are pretending to like you for your sweet smile and beautiful eyes631w
❄CANADIAN❄ :'Just' you? Nothing more sexy in a woman than humbleness. Oh and those lucious lips and big eyes help too.631w
Christina Landolfi :Seriously Kalama I think it's funny how you say that that picture isn't of you but yet propel think it is so why not tell them it's not you if it's really not you?631w