John Mcilroy :Hey I never played this game is it good ?620w
KA Jai Carlton :I haven't played supernatural I heard it wasn't that good so I just didn't bother621w
Katie Babyfayce :KA Jai Carltonwell it might take for time cuz I'm going to wait tell the price go down instead I'm getting the sims 3 supernatural I find it for $20 so I'm so so happy for that price is way cheaper621w
KA Jai Carlton :Cool your really gonna like it honestly its the best sims I've played622w
Katie Babyfayce :KA Jai CarltonNot sure yet I order it from best buy they said wedsday if they get the game In when I them they were all sold out I hope I can get it tomorrow 622w
KA Jai Carlton :Ya I feel you when are you gonna get it???622w
Katie Babyfayce :KA Jai CarltonYea I can't wait tell my lap top start playing it lol u might know what I mean by that622w