Zing zing!! :Yeah I know people do it x x lol x 575w
chuko79 :It all depends what part of Mexico they go575w
... :chuko79Awesome ;)... One of my co workers went to Mexico this past week.. Told her not to get killed lol.. Quite a few Canadians died in Mexico some were from my city (Ottawa) the most recent couple was from my city.. So very sad to hear that.. Crazy though.. My co worker will be back this coming week I'm sure she will tell us all about it lol ;)575w
... :Chuko what nationality is that or what nationality are you I should say.. So used to seeing English words lol.. Spanish? Hmmm... Looking cute btw575w
... :Zing zing!!Some people have tats of their names.. It's very common.. I wouldn't do it lol but to each is own ;).. I got two tats as well none of my name lol.. But everyone is different .. Btw love the cum part hahahaha too funny575w