Sheree Luhrman Smith :Tyson TWell the dedication has to come from your behave so don't be to shy to take the credit hun632w
Tyson T :Cheers thanks heaps, ahh yea have a good circle of mates really helping to push me so alot of thanks goes to them!632w
Sheree Luhrman Smith :Looks like you work out hard. Your results are deff showing congrats 632w
Chantze :Ae power to you Brahhhh. Naiti ra bro632w
Tyson T :Mean kahz well all get there someday, night g!632w
Chantze :Lol, you'll suss it out. A true inspiration your papa. Well you're well on the way.632w
Tyson T :Im still learning bro, got the idea to get into it from dad, shud see that hulk, recons his main goal is to be a active grand parent and to be able to do stuff with his mokos, im hard out keen for that aha dont wana be a chair lockd koro632w
Chantze :Mean eah. Good role model bro. I need to get into it I reckon.632w
Tyson T :Thanx bro, just started a fitness page, with the bro, gona try get the boys on the ole koriii tinaanaa buzz aha632w
Chantze :Holy bah geebizz HULK hooked up with EMILY FROST. Looking fuuu bro. Mean.632w