Sammy Metcalf
(Hi No. 199628)
It's sad knowing that people who get bullied have been bullied so much they just want to kill there selves , be nice to others don't make them do it . I've been bullied for years and I know everybody has 1 time in their life . Everyone knows how it feels like . I can't believe that in this generation there's been more suicides than ever and it's because people these days are truly terrible . If you have something to say keep it to yourself or just say I don't want to be your friend because you never know how bad that it could truly hurt them . You may think it's funny or cool to bully someone but it's not I would rather everyone not talk to me then have a bully make fun of me or call me names any day . You don't know them or what they been through , they could be going through let's say there moms or dads death , cancer , family's doing drugs , getting abused everyday you don't know anything about them , you don't know them ! So don judge and don't bully cause you never know what there going through . I've learned my lesson not to bully and if I did I'm sorry to all of you . #Against.Bullying !