Amanda Garcia :Let me ask you this? You like I'm jealous right? Well give me 5 reasons y I'm jealous. Cus 1. I'm 100% hotter than you 2. I'm smart 3. I'm beautiful 4. Ppl are rashly drawn to me 5. I'm awesome. So tell me why would I be jealous when I'm so fond of my great qualities. When I was ur age my self esteem was so high I didn't need to find older guys. Cus I had shit loads of friends. So tell me y r u so different that I would be jealous of u cus I can't find one thing lol614w
U really think I'm dumb lol I have my high school diploma a 4.0 student since middle school and I'm getting my BA in just little than 2 1/2 yrs lol if u wanna see the picture I posted it on my profile haha614w