(Hi No. 447242)
I almost died today with Annie Colivlle, Isabella Kitweeka, Mrs. Duessel, and one of Mrs. Duessel's daughters.This is the story........... we were all driving home from the Embassy Hotel, when we drove in to the pittsburgh fort pit tunnel, Mrs. Duessel then saw that people just randomly stopped in the tunnel. She noticed that a guy was speeding behind us, that person then swooshed pasted our car, making it shake! he was only a foot away from our car, so we were all ok. But then the person drove right into the wall of the tunnel, and his car flipped, and was on its side! Everyone kept on repeating, "OH MY GOD!" over and over again. after that tons of the people that were driving inside the tunnel rushed over to the car. Luckily, the person driving the car climbed out of the window to safety. everyone then started helping him up and asked him if he was ok. Mrs. Duessel rushed over with her safety kit, and helped him wrap his cut on his hand with gause. he was very lucky to only have that injury. And that taught me to live life to the fullest because u will never know when your time is up.