Jose Gonzales :Thts so cute622w
Cool. This one just got a squirrel with his BB gun so he just learned how to skin one and now he has to eat it, lol. If he doesn't like it, he can't kill another one 622w
What a rush. I got 2 bucks in the last two weeks, we have 9 deer in the freezer this year! You should go and try. It is awesome being in the middle of the woods, lots of time for self reflection Sarah Cert Massage Therapist623w
Wow!!! A deer?? I love to target shoot but haven't got the nerve to shoot a deer yet Maybe one day!! Lol623w
My 16 yr old daughter is a girly girl and would never, lol. But my 14 yr old step daughter loves it and got her first deer this year. Sarah Cert Massage Therapist623w